Dating in the Lifestyle: Turning First Impressions Into Lasting ImpressionsMy wife and I have enjoyed the lifestyle for several years. For those unfamiliar, the term “lifestyle” refers to those engaged in…Sep 24, 2020Sep 24, 2020
Choose Each OtherLike most relationships, ours has experienced some very tough chapters. There were times we didn’t think we’d make it together, times we…Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
Five Ways to Empower Your WifeEmpowering your wife is critical to growth in your relationship. If she isn’t being supported, nurtured, or given the freedom and space…May 20, 2020May 20, 2020
I’m Glad I Got ShotWith the world going crazy and everyone forced into solitude, it’s a good time to pause, be present, and reflect on the things that matter…Apr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020
A Day OffEver looked at your partner and thought, “Wouldn’t it be amazing to have no responsibilities for an entire day, to just lie in bed and…Apr 4, 2020Apr 4, 2020
Coming Out of the ClosetToday is a big day for us. We’ve decided to live more transparently than we have been. As I’m sure it’s quite apparent to any that know us…Apr 4, 20201Apr 4, 20201
EXPLORING YOUR PARTNER’S DESIRESWe were recently asked, “Any advice on getting your spouse to open up about their fantasies whey they claim they have none?”Apr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020